I am undertaking the task of changing my life through a book called, "This Book Will Change Your Life" by Benrik. You might at first think that this will be a deep soul searching experience but you'll soon realize it's just random shit. Example: Day 57 - Try a food that scares you, Day 145 - Start an urban myth, Day 298 - How do you know you're not adopted? I may get arrested, I may meet new people, I may learn something about myself, but really...I'm doing this so I can say I've done something crazy every day of 2010.

Now, please keep your hands and feet inside the car until the ride has come to a complete stop.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Day 6 - Debut Novel

"Today write the opening sentence to your debut novel."

-It is a job that pays a lot, servicing someone, and I got paid with fame.-

My debut novel would of course be about the life times and tribulations of Ashley Alexandra Dupré. She's the former "escort" whose relationship with Gov. Eliot Spitzer led to his resignation. The salacious relationship led her to become the new advice columnist for the New York Post. If this isn't a success story I don't know what is, and people read crap like this so I'd probably make millions.

As for me I'll take her advice about how to properly fake an orgasm and look somewhere else for relationship advice.

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